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捐助者 are the reason students of all economic backgrounds access Saint Louis University's 世界一流的耶稣会教育. 认识一些博彩网址大全的杰出奖学金获得者 and learn how the financial assistance you make possible has impacted their college 职业目标.




尼克·韦弗 standing in front of a glass balcony wall in front of a window at the 法律 school

尼克·韦弗(Law ' 24)

博彩网址大全 scholarships do more than provide financial assistance — they provide students with the financial freedom to make a difference in the community. 尼克·韦弗(法律) 我从经验中知道这一点. 

Weaver is a recent recipient of the Dagen Public Interest Fellowship, a stipend that covers the living expenses of students working in low-paying or non-paying public 在夏天找一些有兴趣的工作. 它的创建是为了让博彩网址大全法学院的学生可以追求他们的 热情并为所有人提供公正和法律服务. 

“我在美国工作了10个星期.S. 东区检察官办公室 Missouri, helping federal prosecutors prepare cases relating to drug trafficking and 儿童剥削,”韦弗说. “这是一次非常有益的经历,而且 到目前为止,它让我对所有的课程都有了正确的认识. 达恩的津贴真的很有用 because it provided funds to help pay for items like parking and gas every day.” 

Weaver also serves as the president of Street Law, an organization that runs volunteer 当地学校和监狱的项目. 

“The scholarships I have received from 博彩网址大全 have given me the financial freedom to worry less about how I am going to pay my bills and focus more on establishing a meaningful 事业和回馈圣. 路易斯社区,”他说. 

出生和成长在圣. 路易斯,韦弗热爱社区,想当律师 他成长的地方. He’s grateful to donors for supporting students who aim to make Missouri a better place and for giving students access to the kind of education that 是博彩网址大全 LAW独有的吗.

“Being a 博彩网址大全-trained advocate means more than simply earning a license to practice 法律. The faculty here teach students to act ethically and use the 法律 to benefit those 处于社会的边缘,”韦弗解释道. “作为一所有耶稣会使命的学校, we recognize that the 法律 can be used as a tool to further the message of Christ to love God with all your heart, soul and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself.”



A headshot of 卡米尔·富勒 holding chalk in front of a blackboard


Between freshman and sophomore year, 卡米尔·富勒(25年版) found herself crying.

富勒说:“那不是无助的眼泪,而是喜悦的眼泪。. “知道我 would be able to continue doing something that I absolutely love."

Fuller had just received the news that she'd been awarded the Lay Family Foundation 捐赠奖学金. 在那一刻,她从担心支付学费, books or even food, to celebrating that she could continue college without financial 负担. 

"This scholarship means the world to me because I wasn't sure how I was going to afford 再上三年大学,”富勒说. 富勒是第一代大学生 她完全靠自己支付高等教育的费用. 

Like her fellow Billikens, the early childhood education major doesn't simply want 为了获得文凭. Her degree will mean so much more — not just to her, but to the 她想教的年轻学生. 

"One of my main goals as a Black educator is to be the face of education for my students who don't often see themselves in the curriculum or education," Fuller said. 她的目标是 to be a kindergarten teacher and then become a principal and administrator. 

"I want little girls and boys like me to know that they, too, can do it," Fuller said. "They can be independent students and Black in college, although it may be hard, 有志者事竟成." 



卡罗琳·赖特 standing in a lab coat with a stethascope in a lounge


卡罗琳·赖特(卡罗琳·赖特)(25年毕业) had a full-circle moment last summer while working as a teaching assistant at the Saint Louis University 医学院’s Summer Scholars 程序. The three-week program is designed to further expose interested youth to medicine and health care, as a teaching assistant, Wright got to see their excitement 当他们学习有趣的科学话题时. 

“I was once in their shoes, dreaming about going to medical school,” Wright said. “我在这里,实现了我的梦想.” 

Wright is able to concentrate fully on that long-held aspiration because of the School 医学多样性奖. 她说,包括生活费在内的奖学金, is the reason she can dedicate her time completely to her studies instead of finding 一份付账单的工作. 

“It has blessed me tremendously, it grants me more time to focus my efforts on learning how to help patients and becoming the best physician I can be,” Wright said. 

While she’s undecided on a specialty, she knows one thing for sure: She wants to be a physician who embodies 博彩网址大全’s emphasis on cura personalis — care for the mind, body and spirit — to help patients in vulnerable situations and ensure that no one is left 后面. 

博彩网址大全教育远远超出了书本知识. 这所大学是一支强大的力量 in the community that teaches students how to never lose sight of what is important: 关心他人,”赖特说. “这种教育使你具备必要的生活技能 to leave a positive impact wherever you go and be a glimmer of hope in a world that 迫切需要它.”



山姆胡斯特 in a 博彩网址大全 sweatshirt standing in front of a row of bookcases

山姆·哈斯特(美国&S ’26)

作为一名新生,山姆·哈斯特(山姆胡斯特)的成绩是a&博彩网址大全的经历才刚刚开始. 即便如此,他的 第一学期充满了里程碑和自我发现. 

“I loved the feeling of relief and satisfaction when I finished all of my first college 胡斯特回忆秋季学期时说. 更重要的是他的 意识到有一天他想进入社会心理学.

Huster isn’t the first in his family to be a Billiken — his sister earned both a bachelor’s 在博彩网址大全获得硕士学位,她现在甚至是一名教职员工. 胡斯特做到了 carry on the family tradition thanks to one of 博彩网址大全’s merit scholarships, which are awarded to incoming freshmen based on previous academic performance. 

"This scholarship made it possible for me to go to 博彩网址大全," 胡斯特说. “如果我没有 如果我有奖学金,那对我来说是遥不可及的." 

Attending 博彩网址大全 has already brought Huster countless opportunities for hands-on learning 由世界一流的教师授课. 他特别感激持久 他和教授之间的关系.

“克林特·约翰逊教授绝对是我最喜欢的老师. 他做讲座 engaging, his classroom environment lets students feel comfortable asking questions,” 胡斯特说. “I recently interviewed for a position at his research lab and am very 很高兴能继续和他一起工作.”

他补充道:“我们的教授不仅仅是来教书的. 他们投资于你的目标 and educating you to make a difference in the world with your degree.”
